2025 is HERE! Isn’t this the year that our English textbooks wrote about us being taught by robots and we would be flying in the sky to get to everyday places? Well, actually it is happening (AI and drones) so I guess it’s not that far-fetched. Anyway, we are still running on two legs whether you use Vivobarefoot, your favorite Saucony, Brooks, Asics, etc. or have entered into the, here to stay, Vaporfly category.
The list of races, old and new, is endless and maybe you are looking for new ones or once again registering for the race(s) you love! Perhaps you are raising the bar and want to go to a new distance and challenge yourself. Either way, remember that we run, or at least I do, because we LOVE it. I love how it makes me feel, the places it takes me, the friends I have met because of it and the possibilities it holds.
That being said, I am happy to share that I am the new race director, for this year, of the Pine Beach 5k. I know it is a well oiled race and has been organized, seemingly flawlessly, in its many years because of all of the amazing ORC members that play a role. If you have helped in the past ( I have your number ; ) or would like to help out this year, please let me know! mindyd9980@gmail.com We are going to be working on getting a group to run the course a few Saturday’s before the race date to train and get new racers familiar with the course. The race will be held on Sunday, June 29, 2025 at Vista Park and I look forward to seeing you there!
Smile ; )
Mindy D’Addario