One of my athletic quests has been FILLED!
I heard about jumping off the Cape May Ferry quite a few years now and always said ” I want to do this” but then again do I?  Well today I did, with the help from my amazing friends that I can never Thank enough. First I went on the Cape May Ferry with a big group of Ocean Running Club members doing the same thing, then we jumped – no heart or panic attack, now I am trying to maneuver through the waves I wasn’t expecting , not kidding it was tough for me. I was so happy to see the shore, now I go up to Sandy waiting at the bike rack- off she goes. Sandy’s ride was so fast, she was back before we knew it and not on the best road conditions -now it’s Ellen’s turn. Ellen was all laced up and ready to go, ok now she has to run in sand! yes folks sand. Now we have me with big waves, Sandy with pot holes and Ellen with the sand to contend with. Ellen now is finishing the run part and Sandy and I jump in to finish the Escape the Cape olympic triathlon together as a team, a wonderful team that made my day , month even! – THANK YOU, THANK YOU, what a day
Pat Hancock