Its almost that time, no not OWS yet but your close, time to wax up your chain, check out the brakes, put some air into those tires.

Taking care of your bike and ensuring it’s in good condition is definitely essential for a smooth and enjoyable ride. Getting a tune-up at Brielle Cycles sounds like a smart move to ensure everything is in top shape.

And yes, keeping an eye out for posts about upcoming biking events and rides is a great way to stay informed and get involved in the ORC biking community.

Starting a slower riding group for those who are just starting out or prefer a more leisurely pace is a fantastic idea! It creates a more inclusive environment and allows riders of varying skill levels to feel comfortable joining in. Gradually separating into different groups based on pace can help everyone enjoy the ride at their own speed without feeling pressured to keep up with faster riders.

By encouraging riders to come out and participate, you’re fostering a supportive community where individuals can improve their skills and confidence on the bike. It’s all about enjoying the ride and embracing the journey, no matter what pace you’re comfortable with. Starting off with everyone at the same time and then assessing how the rides go is a smart approach to gauge the effectiveness of the different groups.