Hello all! I am Sarah owner of Knight Fitness NJ I am starting a 6 week runners strength program starting on Thursday. I have found that adding strength training can make a huge difference in training as well as prevent injury and over training. This program focuses a lot on slow progressive movements, fast twitch muscle and how to build strength training into your current program! There are 3 spots left! Here are the details:


6 weeks . Thursday Nights 5:30pm-6:30pm

Start Date: February 22nd – March 28th

All abilities and running levels are welcome to join in this Runners Strength Program. Designed to help athletes get faster, build strength and understand how to add strength training into their current run programs. This class is limited to 10 people max so we can prioritize individual focus and group development.

Current members and non-members WELCOME!

Sign up through the MINDBODY APP.

For more information or questions please reach out to Sarah at info@knightfitnessnj.com