What time are we starting ?
Why so late ?
Why so early ?
What’s the weather forecast ? 
How far are we riding ?
I hope I don’t get a flat
It’s too hot 🌞
Are we riding the blueberry loop ?
Do Jen and Carol coordinate their outfits? Or is it just coincidence?
Are we riding the enchanted forest ?
Are we going to Nixion’s General Store ?
How many jerseys does Carol have that match her bike?
I’m only riding to the firehouse
I have to pee
My legs hurt today
Why doesn’t Nixon’s have crumb cake anymore?
How long before the F bomb gets dropped
Are we going to see any deer
Why is there always a headwind in both directions 💨
Are the dogs going to be loose again on the blueberry loop
I really don’t want to get dropped
Will we see any coyotes today
I ran too far yesterday didn’t recover from it
Why is it always seem like we are riding uphill
We aren’t taking the never-ending road on the way back are we
Do I have enough water/Gatorade
Will we see the bear today 🐻
oh boy, didn’t use enough body glide
What did everyone bring to eat
Hope it does not start raining 🌧
Hopefully we won’t see any big motorcycle groups
let’s get out before Beachwood starts
How far to see the goats?
Leg cramps
What will Chet eat at Nixon’s?
How much further to Nixon’s have to pee again.
How much more cursing will there be?
Who’s going back on the hilly road?
Did we take enough selfies?
Please let there be no traffic at 72!
Back before Beachwood 🤣