Triumph and Tradition: 11 Years of Conquering the Escape the Cape Triathlon
I will be doing the Escape the Cape Triathlon in Cape May, New Jersey, this Sunday June 2 will be my 11 consecutive years now. It’s an amazing experience that starts with a crazy jump off a ferry and ends with a tough run on the sand. This race has become a big part of my life, showing me the power of pushing myself and enjoying the support of a great community.
The Thrill of the Jump
Every year, the race kicks off with a thrilling jump off the Cape May-Lewes Ferry. Standing on the edge of the deck, looking at the Delaware Bay entering into Atlantic Ocean, the excitement is intense with music blasting to get the athletes pumped up. When the countdown hits zero, triathletes begin 5 to 6 every few seconds to leap into the water. That 12-foot drop is such a rush and really sets the tone for the race. It’s about taking that leap of faith and going all in.
The Swim: Battling the Waves
Once I hit the water, the shock quickly fades, and I get into the swim. The Atlantic’s waves can make it tough, but also really cool. Over the years, I’ve learned how to handle the currents, making what was once scary into something I look forward to. It’s still a challenge, but I know I can do it.
The Bike: Speed and Strategy
After the swim, it’s onto the bike. The course through Cape May is beautiful but demanding. Each year is a bit different, with the weather and my strategy changing how I tackle it. There’s a great sense of camaraderie among the cyclists. One of the highlights of the bike is getting ready to tackle the bridge over the canal that also has a hair pin turn just at the bottom.
The Run: Conquering the Sand
The final part is the run along the sandy beach. It’s the hardest but most rewarding leg of the race. Running on sand is tough, and by this point, I’m really feeling it. But seeing the finish line up ahead with the Ferry Terminal in the background and hearing the crowd cheer keeps me going. Crossing that line after all the effort is an incredible feeling.
Personal Growth: Beyond the Physical
This race isn’t just about physical endurance. It’s taught me a lot about perseverance and the joy of pushing beyond my limits. Each year, finishing the race gives me a huge sense of accomplishment that spills over into other parts of my life. It’s a reminder that hard work and determination can get you through anything. Never give up !!
Looking Ahead: The Future of Tradition
As I get ready for my 11th Escape the Cape Triathlon, I feel both nostalgic and excited. Each year brings new challenges and memories, but the core experience remains a cherished tradition. The jump off the ferry, the swim, the bike, and the run on the sand are all highlights of my year. I look forward to many more years of this incredible race.
The Escape the Cape Triathlon is more than just a race for me; it’s a celebration of athleticism, community, and the human spirit. After 11 years, the thrill is as strong as ever, and the sense of achievement only grows. Here’s to many more years of jumping, swimming, biking, and running towards that glorious finish line.
Good Luck to other ORC members Tom Petrykiewicz, Chet Berghout, Joe Michelini, Melanie Hoffman Flavin, Jenniefer Goodman our first time jumper, Trish Pekarchik, Micheline Family Relay Team also all first timers, ORC relay team Pat Hancock swimmer and first time jumper, Sandy Rinderer the biker will be her second Ellen Stefanacci runner her first attemp and lots of sand. Have a great race everyone enjoy the jump and embrace the suck of running in sand.